Remembering WHY...


I'm always thrilled when I discover new restaurants to Dine at in Atlanta.

CAKES & ALE did not disappoint. 

Lovely ambiance, Delicious Food, and Great Service!!!

Life in atlanta has its tendency of becoming monotonous. After returning from being away for three months earlier this year I went through an extended phase of sadness. As a creative, it's imperative to be in environments where my creative juices flow effortlessly. The first few months back from my journey were rough for me--emotionally and physically. I felt like I no longer belonged here, but then again I didn't know where exactly I belonged. I began questioning my purpose and It wasn't up till recently that I had a wake up call. After grabbing coffee with a friend who also felt the same way, we both realized that we were "blaming all we GOT"!!! The key to surviving these moments of adversity and gaining clarity is remembering WHY you do what you do. Why do you wake up in the morning? Knowing the WHY is the quickest route to fulfilling our purpose. WAKE UP EVERY MORNING FELING LIKE ALI!!!--when you know the WHY.

How do you survive and thrive in an environment that inhibits your growth?

- Make it a priority to leave the house--GET UP & GET OUT!!!

-Make new friends

-Collaborate with individuals who are excited about things that get you excited. 


-View your environment with a new lens. (A CHANGE IN PERSPECTIVE, you can be a tourist in your own city)

-Make plans and execute them.

Jeans Zara

Top H&M

 Vest Besida Online

Shoes Oldnavy

Jewelry Madewell


Hope you're all having a lovely week thus far!!!


Asiyami Gold1 Comment