Once upon a time there was a girl who was bold and fearless. That girl was my 19yr old self who wasn't ever afraid to try something new.
I lived a very vibrant life growing up, and with colors surrounding me, it reflected in my style and in how I carried myself. As we mature, we evolve and so does our style.
When I moved to New York in 2014 to pursue my dreams, I had to simplify my life. Not being able to move with all my things, I had to cut down and come only with  the essentials. My style evolved, I had to find a uniform that fit my everyday aesthetic. I moved around with a backpack because I never knew where I would be going to sleep at night. Uniforms became my best friend, all black, white and black, navy blues, neutrals..... The colors in my life slowly faded.


Returning to Africa after 12 years away was the rebirth of the colors in my life. My life became more vivid and so did my dreams. I'm once again attracted to the beauty in colors but in a more refined way. I'm nostalgic for the daring 19yr old girl who wasn't afraid to wear the rainbow if she had to, but I'm taking bits of who I once was and finding a balance with who I am now.

Palazzo Trousers Asiyami Gold

Shirt Forever 21

Clutch ROMWE

 Bracelet + Necklace H&M

Uber excited about the weekend!!! I'll be leaving for Mexico Tomorow Morning. Stay tuned as I share my #karismaexperience with you all on the GRAM